Advances in modern Quantum Science: From Quantum Materials to Quantum Technologies

Advances in modern Quantum Science: From Quantum Materials to Quantum Technologies


The Advances in Modern Quantum Science: From Quantum Materials to Quantum Technologies conference in Bukhara, Uzbekistan, was an enriching experience, bringing together leading scientists and young researchers from around the world to discuss cutting edge advancements in quantum materials and technologies. Set against the backdrop of Bukhara’s historic architecture, the conference blended the charm of the ancient city with the modern pulse of scientific exploration.

Figure 1.Bukhara Ark Fortress

Hosted at Bukhara State University, the event showcased a range of topics within quantum science, with a special focus on quantum phenomena like entanglement, coherence, and topological effects. These fundamental concepts were explored in relation to their applications in quantum computing, sensing, and cryptography, as well as their role in the development of advanced functional materials

Figure 2.Conference Participants at Bukhara State University

Key topics included quantum phenomena such as entanglement, coherence, and topological effects, emphasizing their applications in quantum computing, sensing, and cryptography. Speakers shared insights into the behavior of quantum systems, including how phonon interactions influence charge transport in Weyl semimetals and the unique dynamics of non Hermitian systems.

Presentations also covered advanced topics in quantum circuits, showcasing the potential of Josephson junctions and their critical role in quantum technology. Discussions highlighted the resources needed for quantum information processing, along with the unique properties of moire crystals in graphene-based systems.

Additionally, there were talks on how topological systems can enhance quantum signal amplification and explorations of non-Abelian anyon statistics, contributing to the broader narrative on quantum computing and emerging technologies. The poster session allowed younger researchers to present their work, including my poster, which sparked engaging discussions.

The conference fostered a collaborative atmosphere, encouraging conversations about the future of quantum science. Overall, it was an inspiring experience that showcased the progress and potential of the field.

Figure 3. Engaged Audience at the Advances in Modern Quantum Science Conference

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