Call closes 28th February
A total of 2 ITC grants will be available in this grant period. Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants are aimed at supporting researchers and innovators from ITC or...
Call closes 28th February
A total of 4 STSM grants will be available in this grant period. Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are research stays in a different country than the country of...
Call closes 28th February
A total of 3 YRI grants will be available in this second grant Call. Young Researcher and Innovator Conference Grants (YRI) are aimed at supporting young researchers and innovators...
Registration open until the 28th of February
1 Research Fellowship(s) (BI) is(are) open at the FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, for the project/R&D institution “Development of Evolutionary AI-based Force Fields for Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, “2023.12474.PEX”,...
BEST-CSP members gathered in Warsaw in September 2024 for their first workshop, “From Molecules to Materials,” which addressed the benchmarking of solid-state properties. Scientists shared insights into crystal structure...