From Molecules to Materials: 1st Student school on the solid-state properties of organic materials

From Molecules to Materials: 1st Student school on the solid-state properties of organic materials


12 to 16 May 2025 at Rouen University

This course, covering theoretical and experimental investigation techniques of the organic solid state, is meant for PhD students, post-doctoral students, and other young researchers interested in broadening their horizon. Both theoreticians and experimentalists are welcome to participate to improve their understanding of the challenges in the field.

If accepted in the school, reimbursement of travel and lodging will be provided upon request by the COST Action BEST-CSP: up to €400 for travel and €160 per day for daily expenses.


  • Solid state analytical tools
  • Thermodynamics and calorimetry
  • Crystallography and diffraction
  • Crystallisation processes
  • Polymorphism
  • CCDC tools
  • DFT
  • Basics of Crystal Structure Prediction
  • Calculation of thermodynamic properties
  • Industrial challenges
  • Practical experience in experimentation and/or calculation

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