A total of 5 STSM grants will be available in this grant period. Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are research stays in a different country than the country of affiliation of the applicant. By supporting physical mobility, they aim at capacity building and transfer of knowledge through multilateral collaborations. A STSM should contribute to the scientific goal of the BEST-CSP Action, whilst at the same time enriching those partaking in the missions, as they will be able to implement a project with an international team and gain new knowledge and access to equipment or techniques not available in their home institution.
Important dates
This STSM open call is open from 01.12.2024 until 17.12.2024. The research stays have to be carried out between 01.01.2025 – 31.07.2025 and should have a minimum duration of five calendar days (including travel) and a maximum duration of 90 days. A grant report must be submitted within 30 days after the completion of the STSM or 15 days after the end of the Grant Period (31.10.2025), whichever date comes first.
- Both the applicant and the host must be members of the Action.
- Grantees must be Full or Cooperating Members, or located in a legal entity in a NNC or Eur. RTD Org.
- Hosting a grantee is open to all members.
Please consult the COST Annotated Rules for more information about eligibility.
Grant Amount / Expenses covered by the grant
A STSM grant does not necessarily cover all expenses related to performing a given mission. It provides a contribution for overall travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses of the grantee. Up to a maximum of EUR 2,500 in total can be awarded to each successful STSM applicant. Please note:
- In their application applicants must provide an argued estimation of the costs to be covered. The amount requested may be granted only in part.
- The awarded grant will be paid only after the STSM has been completed and a report of the mission has been submitted and approved. Upon request, up to 50% of the grant can be reimbursed during the STSM. Please explicitly state the need for early reimbursement in your application.
Application process
Applications must be submitted via e-COST by creating a Conference Grant Request. In order to make an application, you will need an e-COST profile. Next to filling out the information online, the following documents must be uploaded:
- CV of the applicant
- Application form describing goals, the work to be carried out by the applicant,
expected outcomes and the potential contribution to the Action objectives (see
template here). - Confirmation of the host on the agreement from the host institution in receiving
the applicant - An argued estimation of the costs to be covered.
- See the step-by-step process in the Grant Awarding User guide
- If considered necessary, additional information can be requested.
All application proposals will be evaluated by the STSM committee. Please note that
priority is given to PhD students and Early Career Scientists.
Receiving the grant
Please remember that the awarded grant will be paid only after the STSM has been completed and the following documents have been submitted via e-COST within 30 days after the end date of the activity or 15 days after the end of the Grant Period (31.10.2025), whichever date comes first:
- grant report (see template here)
- STSM grantees are also expected to share the outcome of their research stay with the BEST-CSP Action community. All grantees are therefore required to send in a written blogpost (preferably with a photograph taken during the research stay at the host institution) or a short video talking about the experience, which will be then uploaded on the BEST-CSP Action website. *** Please upload the blog post together with the grant report in e-COST (separate files) ***
Once all the necessary documentation is submitted on time and the grant report is approved by the Grant Awarding Coordinator you will receive the grant.
Important Notice
Please be advised that due to the closure of the UPC (Grant Holder) for holidays in the month of August, there will be delays in processing grant decisions and payments.
Further information
For more information please consult the Annotated Rules for COST Actions and the Grant Awarding User guide or contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator Michela Romanini (michela.romanini@upc.edu). In case of non-fulfillment of the grant, COST Derogation Procedures will be followed